Nab??jen?? a ??ivotnost Li-ion 18650.

gatilo gatilo na
Čtvrtek Leden 8 15:01:13 CET 2015

 8.1.2015, 14:50:59

Dulezitejsi je to, co si rozhodne konkretni uzivatel pro konkretni
pripad. Napr. to muze byt tak, ze modelar na bezne litani preferuje
zivotnost, ale 2x do roka, na nejake zavody, tam napere co se da, aby
ziskal par mAh navic.

Nicmene, ja puvodne reagoval, na vas prispevek z 12:52 kde pisete,
cituji "Bohuzel lionky maji predepsano maximum 4.1V takze na 4.2V
A i nadale trvam na tom, ze predepsano maji 4,2. Ze v mnoha pripadech
muze byt vhodne, pouzivat napeti nizsi, je potom vec jina.

S pozdravem Pavel
  mailto:gatilo + zavinac +

RV napsal:

> Hmmm a co je podle vas dulezitejsi? U kazdeho svaba mate napsano 
> Absolute maximum parameters - on to vydrzi, ale zrejme mu to zivotnost
> neprida...

> Napeti 4.2V pro lion technologii je jiz "stresujici" a vzhledem k tomu,
> ze clanek na tomhle napeti setrvava pomerne dlouho v rezimu CV - bezne
> 30% casu a valna vetsina nabijecek je na tomhle napeti drzi trvale po 
> napeti tak je to z meho pohledu nevhodne koncove napeti.

> Li-ion cannot absorb overcharge, and when fully charged the charge 
> current must be cut off. A continuous trickle charge would cause plating
> of metallic lithium, and this could compromise safety. To minimize 
> stress, keep the lithium-ion battery at the 4.20V/cell peak voltage as
> short a time as possible.

> Once the charge is terminated, the battery voltage begins to drop, and
> this eases the voltage stress. Over time, the open-circuit voltage will
> settle to between 3.60 and 3.90V/cell. Note that a Li-ion battery that
> received a fully saturated charge will keep the higher voltage longer 
> than one that was fast-charged and terminated at the voltage threshold
> without a saturation charge.

> If a lithium-ion battery must be left in the charger for operational 
> readiness, some chargers apply a brief topping charge to compensate for
> the small self-discharge the battery and its protective circuit consume.
> The charger may kick in when the open-circuit voltage drops to 
> 4.05V/cell and turn off again at a high 4.20V/cell. Chargers made for 
> operational readiness, or standby mode, often let the battery voltage 
> drop to 4.00V/cell and recharge to only 4.05V/cell instead of the full
> 4.20V/cell. This reduces voltage-related stress and prolongs battery life.

> Some portable devices sit in a charge cradle in the/on/position. The 
> current drawn through the device is called the/parasitic load/and can 
> distort the charge cycle. Battery manufacturers advise against parasitic
> load while charging because it induces mini-cycles, but this cannot 
> always be avoided; a laptop connected to the AC main is such a case. The
> battery is being charged to 4.20V/cell and then discharged by the 
> device. The stress level on the battery is high because the cycles occur
> at the 4.20V/cell threshold.

> Radek Vicek

> Dne 8.1.2015 v 14:08 gatilo napsal(a):
>>   8.1.2015, 14:05:22
>> Ja mluvim o ds k clanku a vy o nabijecce.
>> Ted si dovolim zakernou otazku: Nemuze byt v tech 4,1V u  nabijecky uz
>> zapocteno "zivotnost prodluzujici snizeni napeti" ?
>> S pozdravem Pavel
>>    mailto:gatilo + zavinac +
>> --
>> RV napsal:
>>> Hmmm tak to jsme zrejme zili na jine planete - na vsech nabijeckach mam
>>> deleni na lion a lipol s tim, ze nominal u lionu je 3.6V a koncove
>>> nabijeci 4.1V - lipol je posunuty o 0.1V vys.
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>> HW-list mailing list  -  sponsored by
>> Hw-list na

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