Lovci blesku
mail na onicom.sk
Pondělí Květen 26 18:28:28 CEST 2014
Ak sa Vám nechce registrovať...
You can get from us either a basic set that only contains the parts that
are difficult to get on most countries or a complete set. We do not
offer already assembled systems but only kits.
The prices of the basic sets are
a.) Controller board PCB 10.4, GlobalTop PA6H GPS module, SMA connector,
and a network connector for = 31.50 Euro.
b.) H-Field Amplifier board PCB 12.3c, 4xMCP6S91, 2xMCP6292, 2xLMH664,
and a programmed ATmega8 microcontroller for = 18.50 Euro.
c.) E-Field Amplifier board PCB 13.1b, 4xMCP6S91, 1xMCP6292, 3xLMH664,
1xTLE2426a, and a programmed ATmega8 microcontroller for = 21.00 Euro.
d.) E-Field Pre-Amplifier board and an ADA4891 for together = 4.00 Euro.
The prices of the complete sets are
A.) Controller 10.4 kit = 74.00 Euro
B.) H-Field Amplifier 12.3c kit = 31.95 Euro
C.) E-Field Amplifier 13.1b kit = 37.50 Euro
D.) E-Field Pre-Amplifier 14.1b kit = 7.65 Euro
E.) two 20cm ferrite rod antennas = 45 Euro
(you also can build your own loop antennas)
F.) STM32F4DISCOVERY board = 20 Euro
(you also can get this board from www.mouser.com world wide)
G.) external GPS antenna (SMA 5m) = 20 Euro
H.) amber display insted of a green display which is contained in set A
= 10 Euro
Additionally you need a 5 Volt USB power supply with mini USB plug and
some CAT network cable. The network cable is necessary to connect the
amplifier with the controller and to connect the controller with your
local area network.
The price for shipping varies between 7 and 40 Euro depending on the
weight of the order and the country you live.
From european Euro countries, I prefer money transfer to
Egon Wanke,
Fabriciusstrasse 10
D-40225 Duesseldorf
Account No. 0545474303
Postbank Hannover: 25010030
IBAN DE57 2501 0030 0545 4743 03
You can also by PayPal to blitzortung na gmx.org . Then the price of X Euro
will increase by a factor of 1.02 for Euro Countries and by a factor of
1.04 for all other countries.
Most people from germany order a+b+E and pay by money transfer, then the
price is
(31.50+18.50+45+7) = 102.00 Euro (7 Euro for shipping)
Most people from European countries order A+B+E+F+G and pay by PayPal,
then the price is
(74+31.95+45+20+20+17)*1.02 = 212.11 Euro (17 Euro for shipping)
Most people from USA order A+B and pay by PayPal, then the price is
(74+31.95+10)*1.04 = 120.59 Euro (10 Euro for shipping because of the
low weight).
See also http://www.blitzortung.org/Documents/Order_List.pdf
If you are still interested, please send us your postal address and the
information about the parts you want.
Do not pay before you get a reply about the price for shipping and the
information that we have all the material on stock.
Regards and much fun,
Egon Wanke
Monday, May 26, 2014, 9:55:35 AM, you wrote:
> Aha jsem trdlo - nejak jsem to tam prehlidnul. Napiste kdyztak pak jak
> to probihalo vcetne oziveni apod.... Ja ted na to nebudu mit cas
> minimalne do zimy. Pak bych se na to vrhnul.
> Radek Vicek
> Dne 26.5.2014 9:53, Šerých Jakub napsal(a):
>> Na téhle stránce:
>> http://www.blitzortung.org/Webpages/index.php?lang=en&page=3 pod
>> prvníma dvěma obrázkama je malý odstaveček a pod ním pole pro zadání
>> e-mailové adresy, země a kontrolního kódu. Do 24 hodin Vám přijde
>> mail s ceníkem a instrukcema.
>> Jakub Šerých
> ---------------------------------
> Pro případ, že tato zpráva obsahuje návrh smlouvy, Česká pošta,
> s.p. vylučuje možnost přijetí návrhu smlouvy s jakýmikoli změnami,
> dodatky či odchylkami. Navržení změn, dodatků či odchylek z Vaší
> strany považujeme toliko za podnět k dalšímu jednání o obsahu
> smlouvy. Až do okamžiku podpisu/uzavření smlouvy nejsme jakoukoli
> naší nabídkou vázáni. Výsledky jednání předcházejících uzavření
> smlouvy považuje Česká pošta, s.p. za nezávazné. Česká pošta, s.p.
> nenese žádnou odpovědnost za případné ukončení nebo přerušení
> jednání o smlouvě, a to bez ohledu na jeho důvod.
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> In the event that this email contains a contract proposal, Česká
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> alterations, amendments and adjustments of any nature. Your proposal
> of alterations, amendments and adjustments may only be subject of
> further contract negotiation. Česká pošta, s.p. is not bound by any
> of its offer until the contract is concluded. Česká pošta s.p.
> considers the result of contract negotiations preceding the
> conclusion of contract non-binding. Česká pošta, s.p. is not liable
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