Divna zavada OLED displaye

Ales Prochaska, Divesoft prochaska na divesoft.cz
Středa Květen 14 14:49:30 CEST 2014

Díky, tohle by mohla být správná stopa.

Aleš Procháska

> Skuste tento clanok:

> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1566119911003259

> Veta z abstraktu: "This scheme dissipates heat by 27.7 °C (from 60.5 to
> 32.8 °C), yet it causes some damage to organic layers when the moisture
> getter absorbs out-gases, generating dark spots and thus shortening the
> device lifetime."

> S pozdravom,
> Karol Bujacek
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