
Šerých Jakub Serych na
Pondělí Květen 12 08:57:16 CEST 2014

Ano, měl jste pravdu:

Dear Sir,

thank you for your interest in our project.

The great hall measures 170 x 200m  (33‘000m2) and it is connected with a smaller hall which is about 90x50m (4‘500m2). This ist he so called „black zone“. The rest of the three halls with an area of about 9‘000m2 is the „white zone“.

In the  „black zone“ of the halls we have indeed an underpressure of 10 to 14 Pa. In the white zone the underpressure is a bit less.

To make that possible, the halls are constructed in a very special, airtight way. Normally we need about 60'000 to 80'000 m3 air per hour to stabilize the underpressure during the working periods.

Jakub Šerých

From: Hw-list [mailto:hw-list-bounces na] On Behalf Of Pavel Hudeček
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 12:31 AM
To: HW-news
Subject: RE: Vikendovka

Tipuji, že podtlak 10 Pa je správně. Tzn. není to vakuum 10 Pa, ale o 10 Pa méně, než aktuální atmosférický tlak.

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