Novy Eagle 7 (was Re: Software pro navrh DPS)
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Úterý Červenec 15 19:44:31 CEST 2014
hech, ano, toto je jedna z novych ficur :-))
GUI makeover
Version 7 also means a modernized graphic look of the user interface.
The icons used since the beginning have been replaced by new and modern
images that are self explaining and support improving the usability of
EAGLE from a visual perspective. The EAGLE user can choose between the
classic and the modernized icon style.
ale co vyzera pouzitelnejsie je
Hierarchical design
This feature stems from multiple surveys hosted by CadSoft and requests
monitored by our support and development team. Hierarchal design helps
designers to organize large schematic designs into small functional
blocks which can then be assigned to various members of a team. It
helps collaborative design teams to work on specific areas of a large
complex design, which can then be easily integrated.
At the end all these designs can be integrated due to our newly
implement hierarchal design capability. This also favours design re-use
by allowing blocks of one design to be used in another design.
Inak tie diferencialne pary boli k dispozicii uz vo verzii 6, ale nikdy
sa mi to nepodarilo nejak pouzitelne pouzit (nedostatok zrozumitelnych
Benefit from differential pair routing and automatic meanders
Special signals can be routed with exactly the same length. Differential
pair routing is used for pairs of differential (equal and opposite)
signals across the board to create a balanced transmission system.
Creating meanders helps users automatically give a signal a certain
length in the PCB. Meanders in traces are used to increase delay times
in high speed digital circuits.
On 15/07/2014 19:10, Peter Janiš wrote:
> Zatial len beta verzia 6.9.2
> 7.0 som zatial nenasiel...
> btw. budu tam nove ikonky... :-)
> p.j
> On 07/15/2014 07:09 PM, Balu wrote:
>> Mimochodom moj eagle ma upozornil ze je vonku verzia 7. Uz to niekto
>> pozeral? Nejake zaujimave vychytavky?
>> B.
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