Re: OT: Microsoft - potřebuji data informace
lordgalloth na
Pátek Leden 24 10:21:17 CET 2014
podle odpovedi na foru MS nemuzete:
Windows Server licenses are assigned to the physical hosts, not to VMs. A single Standard Edition license grants you the right to run up to two Windows Server VMs concurrently on a given host. There is no limit to the number you can create (other than storage of the host), but the license grants you the right to run up to two Windows Server VMs. You can also run Linux and client VMs, but their licenses would be covered under their licensing terms. If you assign another SE license to the same physical host, you now have the right to run up to four Windows Server VMs. If you continue to assign licenses to the host, when you reach five SE licenses, which grant you the right to run up to 10 Windows Server VMs, you would now be paying more for the SE licenses than you would for a single Datacenter Edition license. This can get really complicated to keep track of if you are making use of live migration in your environment, because legally you should be licensing each host for the maximum number of Windows Server virtual machines you will have on any node. This is why customers who are consistently running more that 8-10 Windows Server VMs on every host in their environment purchase Datacenter licenses - it costs less.
Note that in the above description I never mentioned what operating system was installed on the physical host. That doesn't make any difference (well, in a specific instance it does, but I'll ignore that for now). So, when running VMware's ESX operating system or Citrix Xen Server or a Linux KVM, the same licensing requirements exist. So if you assign a SE license to an ESX host, you have the right to run up to two Windows Server virtual machines. Assign two licenses to the ESX host, and you have the right to run up to four Windows Server virtual machines. And so forth ...
Jeste je tam nejake pdf primo od MS, ale to odmitam cist, protoze je sedym pismem na cernem pozadi, ale jestli chcete, muzu soukromne poslat.
On 24 Jan 2014, at 10:14, Pavel Krafcik <hw na> wrote:
> Zdravím,
> od včerejšího odpoledne se nedokážu dostat na webu MS jinam, než na úvodní stránku. Pak mi selže každý pokus o to, dostat se dál a to ze všech možných systémů, prohlížečů a IP adres. Dost divná situace.
> Proto bych se chtěl zeptat zdejších zkušenějších lidí a expertů na toto:
> O serveru MS Windows Server 2012 Standard mi v hlavě uvízla informace, že mi licence umožňuje tento server nainstalovat na nějaké železo, pak spustit virtualizaci a nainstalovat ten samý server s tou samou licencí ještě jednou (i víckrát) jako virtuální mašiny. Je to fakt? Na webu MS to bohužel nezjistím.
> Pavel Krafčík
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