NAST TV - Orion Flight Test

Jaroslav Rybárik rybarik na
Čtvrtek Prosinec 4 21:48:25 CET 2014

Tak nie, dnes nikto neleti :)

"the launch of Arianespace Flight 221 has been postponed due to 
unfavourable weather conditions over the launch pad in Kourou, French 


On 12/04/2014 05:04 PM, sam.hw wrote:
> jenom por zajimavost:
> ESA ‏@esa  44 min
> Small delay for #Orion but don't forget   tonight's #ArianeV launch, 
> window opens at 20:38 GMT, streaming
> takze kdo chce videt startovat nejakou raketu jeste dnes, tak ma tu 
> moznost
> :)
> On 04.12.2014 15:57, RV wrote:
>> Nedoviraji se jim plnici ventily na jedne bocni a hlavni nadrzi.
>> zkouseli s nima hejbat a pak to ruzne tlakovat, ale zrejme to nepomohlo.
>> Otazkou je zda je to jen tenhle problem.
>> Radek Vicek
>> Dne 4.12.2014 v 15:49 Kručinský Ladislav napsal(a):
>>> Kvůli čemu to típli?
>>> Zaslechl jsem tam něco o baterce pro kameru ale moje američtina je
>>> prachbídná.
>>> Zdravím
>>> L. Kručinský
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Hw-list [mailto:hw-list-bounces na] On Behalf Of Daniel
>>> Valuch
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:39 PM
>>> To: HW-news
>>> Subject: Re: NAST TV - Orion Flight Test
>>> lepsie ako lH2/lO2 fireworks :-)
>>> On 04/12/2014 15:36, Jan Waclawek wrote:
>>>> Tak nic.
>>>> wek
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