Pomoc - dBu, dBm, dB a zvukarina
vicek.radek na cpost.cz
Čtvrtek Duben 10 09:05:14 CEST 2014
To kolik ma byt na linkach vim - to jsem psal uz v prvnim mailu. Problem
je, ze nevim kolik ma byt na vstupu zesilovace (v nastrojovem vstupu),
kde je receno toto:
Input impedance 500 kOhm / 100pF
Gain range -96 to 36dB
Jdu hledat na netu, zda se nedozvim kolik z toho bezne leze
Radek Vicek
Dne 10.4.2014 7:07, Pavel Troller napsal(a):
> Zdravim, proc nejuknete na Wiki ? Cituji: In professional audio, a
> popular unit is the dBu (see below for all the units). The "u" stands
> for "unloaded", and was probably chosen to be similar to lowercase
> "v", as dBv was the older name for the same thing. It was changed to
> avoid confusion with dBV. This unit (dBu) is an RMS measurement of
> voltage which uses as its reference approximately 0.775 VRMS. Chosen
> for historical reasons, the reference value is the voltage level
> which delivers 1 mW of power in a 600 ohm resistor, which used to be
> the standard reference impedance in telephone circuits. Cili je to
> jasne, reference je klasickych 0.775, ale meri se to bez zateze,
> nikoliv pri tech 600 Ohmech.
> Zdravi Pavel
>> A nebudou to uV, ale to se mi zda malo ? Jirka Dne 9. 4. 2014
>> 20:59, Petr Simek napsal(a):
>>> On Wed, 9 Apr 2014, Admin HWnews wrote:
>>>> Propojil jsem si basovou hlavu TC electronic BH-250, ktera ma
>>>> balancovany vystup: =================================== Bal.
>>>> Out Max. +2dBu Bal. Out Optimal Load Impedance 600 Ohm
>>> To +2dBu je vykon vuci mikrowattu ? Tedy neco jako dBm ? To by
>>> na impedanci 600 Ohm davalo asi 33mV .
>>>> RV
>>> *------------------------------------------------------------------------*
| Petr Simek APS JU |
>>> | psimek na jcu.cz |
>>> *------------------------------------------------------------------------*
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