Rozdil mezi TL072 a 082

gatilo gatilo na
Sobota Listopad 16 23:52:16 CET 2013

 16.11.2013, 23:51:52

S pozdravem Pavel
  mailto:gatilo + zavinac +

Admin HWnews napsal:

> Tak nakonec jsem objevil docela dost zajimavej operak od TI, ktery je v
> podstate hodne nadupanej TL072 a to TLE2072 a spotrebou jen o malinko 
> vetsi (1.4 a 1.8mA na kanal):


> Direct Upgrades to TL05x, TL07x, and
> TL08x BiFET Operational Amplifiers

> Greater Than 2× Bandwidth (10 MHz) and
> 3× Slew Rate (45 V/µs) Than TL07x

> Ensured Maximum Noise Floor 17 nV/Hz

> On-Chip Offset Voltage Trimming for
> Improved DC Performance

> Wider Supply Rails Increase Dynamic
> Signal Range to ±19 V

> Dne 6.11.2013 11:14, Martin Hanek napsal(a):
>> Tady
>> jsem nasel:
>> - TL062 is the low power version of the TL082.
>> - TL072 is the low noise version of the TL082.
>> So: the TL062 uses less power, but is more noisy than the TL072.
>> Jako nahrada AD822?
>> Martin Hanek
>> Dne 6.11.2013 10:58, RV napsal(a):
>>> Pripadne nemel byste nekdo nejaky tip na neco obdobneho nebo lepsiho nez
>>> ten TL072, ale s mensi spotrebou?
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