Terminal Br na y
Miroslav Šinko
sinkomiro na gmail.com
Neděle Leden 20 00:20:48 CET 2013
On 19. 1. 2013 20:26, Jan Waclawek wrote:
> To je blbe, ale co uz, chlapec tiez isto z tohoto nezije...
> Skus mu znova napisat, nic to nestoji... :-)
> wek
Nie je to kriticka chyba, ked o tom clovek vie. Navyse je malo pripadov,
ked nad otvorenym portom treba menit rychlost. Na druhej strane ani
oprava nie je zlozita...
Napisal som znova. Mozno mojej anglictine nerozumie :-) Prikladam a
riskujem hanbu..
Hello Br na y again,
I downloaded the latest version of your Terminal. I'm sorry but I have
to report you the same bug as one year ago. Please read my e-mail below.
Best regards,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bug report, Br na y terminal
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 14:04:13 +0100
From: Miroslav Šinko <sinkomiro na gmail.com>
To: braypp na gmail.com
Hello Br na y,
I'd like to inform you about the bug in you terminal (last version
1.9b 20111230). The bug relates to unpreserved values of DTR and RTS
values on port's pins after the change of the baudrate while port is
open. I have tested the behaviour on many different COM ports (built
in, PCI card, USB converters, ExpressCard), with the same result.
What I did (olny for RTS but same with the DTR):
Note: voltage level +/-7V is not important, another ports have 9, 10, 11
-before starting of the Terminal
-start the Terminal, set COM, set 9600 Bd, handshaking none, press Connect
-click RTS, the button shines
-without clicking on whatever else (especially do not click
Disconnect), click another baudrate, i.e. 19200 Bd
RTS -7V, RTS in terminali still shines <<<--- the level -7V is error!
I think you use the SetCommState to change the baudrate and
EscapeCommFunction to change the RTS, DTR. If the inital setting of
the dcb.fRtsControl is RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE and you don't set the
RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE for subsequent call of SetCommState (change of
baudrate) but the RTS level was changed by user => call of
EscapeCommFunction(port, SETRTS), the RTS level on the pin is reset!
Additionally the button still shines so user thinks that the RTS level
is correct but it isn't. So you have to take care what is the actual
setting of the RTS/DTR, set by user (buttons RTS, DTR) any you must
set proper value RTS(DTR)_CONTROL_DISABLE or ENABLE in the
dcb.fRtsControl, fDtrControl before call of SetCommState with new
I hope my report will help you to improve your excellent terminal
Best regards,
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