Konecne dobry napad?

Jan Waclawek konfera na efton.sk
Úterý Listopad 13 10:45:09 CET 2012

Este chcem v tejto suvislosti podotknut, ze sa s tymto druhom kablov
roztrhlo vrece az v poslednych mozno 10 rokoch, takze to vidim tak, ze
bude naozaj tlak na dalsie a mozno aj tie dlhsie.

Dovod je mozno naznaceny prave v tom clanku:

After two months of operation, the cable generated revenues of
approximately E 50 million, meaning that in two months’ time, 8% of the
total costs of the cable have been recovered.


----- Original Message ---------------

>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NorNed ?

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