OT: neco pro konstruktery cool hodin (rele, doutnavky a tak...)
Jan Tichavský
jan.tichavsky na gmail.com
Úterý Květen 1 05:28:56 CEST 2012
Po chvíli googlení vypadlo tohle:
This is an art project called 'Standard Time' by Mark Formanek. In late
2007, with funding from the German Foundation for Arts & Film he hired a
team of 70 workers who constructed this 4 x 12 m clock in real-time over a
period of 24 hours in Berlin's Sculpture Park. The first construction (as
well as subsequent, shorter builds done for various events) is the first
part of the performance, the second is the display of the video
synchronised to local time. which has been placed in a number of galleries.
Formanek has received a fair bit of attention and acclaim for this as it
was quite original and very well-executed.
You can get more details as well as downloads such as an iPhone app at the
official site: http://www.standard-time.com. For those interested in how it
was done, the site also has a short documentary on the process.
Dne 30. dubna 2012 20:43 Petr Tomasek <tomasek na etf.cuni.cz> napsal(a):
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 03:52:30PM +0200, Marek Sembol wrote:
> > http://files.msurma.net/wykop/1120247/zegarek.php
> hezke. trochu vic info ohledne technologie, lokality atd. by nebylo?
> ;)
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