[OT] Velky bratr vi vse
Jan Waclawek
konfera na efton.sk
Pondělí Prosinec 3 15:32:11 CET 2012
> Provede se kontrola, nìjaké
> vyhodnocení, ale obsah se nikde bokem neukládá, neindexuje, nepou¾ívá
> pro potøeby majitele datového centra...
1.1. [...] This agreement applies to [...] Microsoft SkyDrive [...]
3.3. What does Microsoft do with my content? When you upload your content
to the services, you agree that it may be used, modified, adapted, saved,
reproduced, distributed, and displayed to the extent necessary to protect
you and to provide, protect and improve Microsoft products and services.
For example, we may occasionally use automated means to isolate
information from email, chats, or photos in order to help detect and
protect against spam and malware, or to improve the services with new
features that makes them easier to use. When processing your content,
Microsoft takes steps to help preserve your privacy.
Potom je cela kapitola 5.Privacy, ktora okrem ineho pise, ze:
You consent and agree that Microsoft may access, disclose, or preserve
information associated with your use of the services, including (without
limitation) your personal information and content [...] (b) to enforce
this agreement or protect the rights or property of Microsoft or our
customers; [...]
A je tam odkaz (nepriamy) na
http://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/fullnotice.mspx .
No a to vsetko vsetci uzivatelia a pochopitelne aj distributori M$
produktov v ramci suhlasu s ich pouzivanim zaklikavanym pri zriadovani
uctov, instalaciach atd. uz samozrejme davno vedia... :-)
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