TSC2007 a touchscreen.
zaloha na volny.cz
Pondělí Listopad 7 18:09:21 CET 2011
Trik se zablokováním touchscreen senzoru je rozveden i na dalších
stránkách datasheetu, taky na str. 32, kde kromě toho je:
"As indicated previously, noise can be a major source of error in
touch-screen applications (for example,
applications that require a back-lit LCD panel). This electromagnetic
interfence (EMI) noise can be coupled
through the LCD panel to the touch screen and cause flickering of the
converted A/D converter data. Several
things can be done to reduce this error, such as using a touch screen
with a bottom-side metal layer connected
to ground, which couples the majority of noise to ground...."
Váš senzor nejspíš průhlednou kovovou vrstvu na zadní ploše nemá, nebo ano?
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