Jaroslav Buchta
jaroslav.buchta na gmail.com
Pátek Březen 25 21:18:28 CET 2011
Jeste me zaujalo z tohoto dokumentu: - Major data, treba jednicka
Water level (25th 10:00)
(A) -1650mm (B) -1650mm
Reactor pressure
(A) 0.376MPaG, (B) 0.358MPaG (25th 02:00)
(A) 0.349MPaG, (B) 0.349MPaG (25th 10:00)
atd. Co znamena to A/B? Pokud je v reaktoru pod 2m vody, tak to je tak
na to, aby roztavene casti padaly do vody, ne?
Dne 25.3.2011 17:22, Jiri Foldyna napsal(a):
>> Z ceho vychazite? Ja vidim v tabulce, ze v reaktoru je palivo
>> castecne
>> nebo uplne na suchu a ze vodu lejou do bazenu... Nekde jsem
>> taky cetl,
>> ze tu vodu tlacili mezi ochrannou obalku a reaktor, cert se v
>> tom vyznej.
> http://www.jaif.or.jp/english/news_images/pdf/ENGNEWS01_1301056350P.pdf
> Str. 1 dokumentu, unit 1:
> Water injection to core (Accident Management) Continuing (Freshwater)
> Str. 3 dokumentu, unit 1:
> 25th 11:00 Switching the water source for
> injecting into RPV from seawater to freshwater
> has become ready.
> Str. 3 dokumentu, unit 2 a 3:
> 25th 11:00 Switching the water source for
> injecting into RPV from seawater to
> freshwater was started
> Zdroje jsou uvedeny v patičce první strany.
> JF
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