Jaroslav Buchta
jaroslav.buchta na gmail.com
Pátek Březen 25 10:23:22 CET 2011
The contaminated water had 10,000 times the amount of radiation as would
be found in water circulating from a normally operating reactor," said
Japanese nuclear agency official Hidehiko Nishiyama.
"It is possible that there is damage to the reactor."
10000x vyssi nez pri bezne funkci, to jim tam musi plavat palivove
tablety, ne? Samozrejme, je otazka, kolik je to normalne, ale jak zde
bylo uvedeno, i zcela cista voda neco nachyta, ne?
Dne 25.3.2011 10:11, RV napsal(a):
> Tady je zprava od Routers:
> http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE72A0UU20110325?sp=true
> to mi opravdu neprijde jako cituji: "Situace se zlepsuje kazdou
> hodinou..."
> Radek Vicek
> Dne 25.3.2011 10:03, Petr Tomasek napsal(a):
>> Podle BBC:
>> The two workers had reportedly not been wearing the correct
>> protective boots
>> and had ignored a radiation alarm. A revision of safety measures
>> at the Fukushima
>> plant has been ordered.
>> (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12857544)
>> Hm, tak si rikam, ze v BBC zpravy aspon maji hlavu a patu...
>> P.T.
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