
Petr Tomasek tomasek na etf.cuni.cz
Pátek Březen 25 10:03:50 CET 2011

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 09:44:28AM +0100, Kamil Rezac wrote:
> Rekl bych, ze tim mysli nejake specificke boty (protiradiacni
> gumovky?). Co si matne pamatuju, tak boots se v obecnem vyznamu
> nepouziva
> KR
> 2011/3/25 Michal Gregor <a2x1nptda8 at email.cz>:
> > Further investigation is now carrying on. These 2 workers were not wearing
> > boots. Another worker wearing boots is safe. (07:15, March 25)
> > Borci chodili v poskozene elektrarne bosky?? To si delaji srandu?

Podle BBC:

	The two workers had reportedly not been wearing the correct protective boots
	and had ignored a radiation alarm. A revision of safety measures at the Fukushima
	plant has been ordered.


Hm, tak si rikam, ze v BBC zpravy aspon maji hlavu a patu...


Petr Tomasek <http://www.etf.cuni.cz/~tomasek>
Jabber: butrus at jabbim.cz

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