logika 5V -> 3,3V
David Obdrzalek
David.Obdrzalek na mff.cuni.cz
Úterý Březen 1 14:53:39 CET 2011
Zkuste mrknout na AN97055 od Philipsu, jestli to neni to co potrebujete:
"With a single MOS-FET a bi-directional level shifter circuit can be realised to
connect devices with different supply voltages of e.g. 5 Volt and 3.3 Volt to one
I2C-bus system. The level shifter can also isolate a bus section of powered-down
devices from the I2C-bus, allowing the powered part of the I2C-bus to operate in a
normal way.
The level shifter can also be used in other bus systems or point to point
connections for level shifting and/or isolation."
David Obdrzalek
On 24 Feb 2011 at 19:04, Michal Lukac wrote:
> Zdravim,
> chcem sa opytat ci je mozne pouzit na konverziu logiky 5V –> 3.3V odporove
> delice napr. 1k/1k5. alebo je nejaky dovod preco by to malo robit problemy?
> Opacne to ide aj napriamo. Ma to byt z MCU do SD karty.
> dik
> michal
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