OT: nova ponuka - elektroterapeut? [bolo Re: praca]

Daniel Valuch daniel.valuch@orange.fr
Středa Říjen 14 19:38:02 CEST 2009

stvrte zdola suvisi viac s kompatibilitou konektorov ako AC/DC :-))

AC/DC (disambiguation)
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AC/DC may refer to:

    * AC/DC, an Australian hard rock band, whose name was derived from:
          o AC/DC (electricity), electrical systems which can run on 
either alternating current or direct current power
                + AC/DC conversion, the electrical technology that 
allows for conversion from alternating current to direct current
                + DC/AC conversion, the electrical technology that 
allows for conversion from direct current to alternating current
    * AC/DC (video), the rock band's 1989 video
    * Advanced Center for Detection of Cancer Lab, often abbreviated 
    * a slang term for a bisexual person
    * "A.C.D.C.", a song by Sweet from the album Desolation Boulevard
    * ACDSee, a shareware image viewer program
    * The ACDC (Adam/Chu Dance Crew), a dance crew led by Jon M. Chu, 
director of Step Up 2: The Streets, and Adam G. Sevani, from the same movie

Jan Waclawek wrote:
> Nie. S tymto suvisi uplne iny vyznam tej skratky: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC/DC_(disambiguation), stvrte zdola.
> wek

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