Zakaz analogovych TV v USA

Pondělí Listopad 30 17:35:47 CET 2009

Nic neobvyklého, souvisí s přechodem na digitální pozemní vysílání a 
podobný zákaz platí např. od podzimu 2008 ve Francii.


Jaroslav Lukesh napsal(a):
> As of July 1, 2007 it was illegal to Manufacture, Import, or Ship 
> Interstate new analog only TV receivers. Also as of that date a notice 
> was required informing that the device has an analog-only receiver. It 
> is documented under part 15 of the FCC rules. While unlikely, you can 
> face fines or jail, you are more likely to receive a warning notice if 
> you are caught. Again getting caught is unlikely, you do need to be 
> aware of the law and any risk you take is yours only.
> To teda fakt nechápu PROČ? Žeby to znečišťovalo životní prostředí? :-D
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