Zakaz analogovych TV v USA

Tomáš Urbanec
Pondělí Listopad 30 10:48:13 CET 2009

Spise bych rekl, ze se chystaji k prechodu na digital a pokouseji se 
ochranit zakazniky pred nakupem televize, ktera jiz za par mesicu nic 
nebude prijimat.....

As of July 1, 2007 it was illegal to Manufacture, Import, or Ship Interstate 
new analog only TV receivers. Also as of that date a notice was required 
informing that the device has an analog-only receiver. It is documented 
under part 15 of the FCC rules. While unlikely, you can face fines or jail, 
you are more likely to receive a warning notice if you are caught. Again 
getting caught is unlikely, you do need to be aware of the law and any risk 
you take is yours only.

To teda fakt nechápu PROČ? Žeby to znečišťovalo životní prostředí? :-D

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