OT: Hacking dopravních informačních tabulí

Daniel Valuch daniel.valuch@orange.fr
Středa Leden 28 23:06:50 CET 2009

pekne :-) cital som si aj clanok na i-hacked
pisu ze na vacsine znaciek je stale defaultne heslo a aj ked nie je, je 
tam napisana kombinacia klaves ktore to heslo zresetuju do defaultu :-)))
Je to celkom zaujimavy problem, pac by to malo byt blbovzdorne ked 
robosi zabudnu heslo. Ako najlepsi bezpecnostny mechanizmus proti 
hackovaniu je fakt asi vysiaci zamok :-)

Sudovec wrote:
> Jak se v U.S. hackují informační tabule - 
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,484326,00.html
> To asi nebude náhoda že ta tabule byla poblíž Univerzity ;-).
> ===
> According to the blog i-hacked.com, some commercial road signs, 
> including those manufactured by IMAGO's ADDCO division, can be easily 
> altered because their instrument panels are frequently left unlocked and 
> their default passwords are not changed.
> "Programming is as simple as scrolling down the menu selection," 
> i-hacked.com reports. "Type whatever you want to display … In all 
> likelihood, the crew will not have changed [the password]."
> ===
> 	S.
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