[OT] Jaky HD satelit?

Jan Martincek jano@martincek.com
Středa Srpen 12 14:09:49 CEST 2009

Babko mate satelit?
A proc by sem se mala telit , vsak nejsom kraaava ;).


-----Original Message-----
From: hw-list-bounces@list.hw.cz [mailto:hw-list-bounces@list.hw.cz] On
Behalf Of Jan Waclawek
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:06 PM
To: HW-news
Subject: Re: [OT] Jaky HD satelit?

>Zdravim, nema nekdo osvedceny tip na subj? 

No, neviem presne co v tejto suvislosti moze znamenat HD, ale podla
There are five major companies that build large, commercial, Geosynchronous
satellite platforms: Thales Alenia Space, Boeing, EADS Astrium Satellites,
Lockheed Martin, Space Systems/Loral. (Hughes bol zhltnuty Boeingom).

>Lehce zvazuju upgrade satelitniho
>vybaveni a presun stavajiciho k rodicum 

A rodicia tiez pobyvaju na geostacionarnej drahe?


Ja viem, ze sa to slovo "satelit" takto bezne pouziva, ale sme na technickej


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