problem s JTAG chainem
Jakub Ladman
Sobota Říjen 25 13:10:54 CEST 2008
Tak v support foru jsem nasel toto:
Q: Is there any JTAG [b:33ff96330d]Boundary-Scan [/b:33ff96330d]support for
EP93xx processors? BSDL files, recommended Boundary-Scan tools, etc...
A: There is no boundry scan for the EP9302. So you can't to read/write the
external pins of the controller.
But you can use JTAG for debugging, it can send and execute instructions on
the EP9302. You can use this to program FLASH, program a boot EEPROM, debug a
boot loader or OS, etc..
Read the section on JTAG in the "ARM920T Technical Reference Manual". Some
free open source utilities are available to access the EP9302 via JTAG.
To znamená že JTAG rozhraní nepodporuje funkci boundary scan - a proto asi
take nedodavaji bsdl soubor. Ovsem ted jak je to alespon s tou delkou
instrukcniho registru, doufam ze to bude ta ctyrka, protoze jinak nevim.
Jina kapitola bude debugging sw, na to mam jiny hw - amontec jtag-key a ten
mam vyzkousen jako funkcni s openocd a jedinnym cipem (LPC2294) ale opet tam
budu resit eliminaci toho PHY a CPLD.
Vyzkousim to az v praci.
Tedy mozna to nevydrzim a sjedu si pro to do prace.
Zatim vsem diky za pomoc.
Jakub Ladman
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