Re: Platba přes PayPal

Jan Waclawek
Pondělí Listopad 3 09:25:42 CET 2008

Tu spravu o prekroceni limitu si nemate vsimat lebo to je znamy bug, sending limit je v poriadku, ale ich interny bezpecnostny program hovori ze sa Vasa karta neda prave teraz pouzit, co vsak nesuvisi s kreditom na karte ani so sending limitom (nie je vysvetlene, s cim to suvisi). Doporucuju to bud zaplatit nejako inak, alebo skusit platbu neskor (jeho osobna skusenost je ze to obcas neskor zafunguje, ale zaruku na to neda). Ostatne su zdvorilostne kecy.


----- Original Message ---------------

Subject: =?iso-8859-2?Q?Re:_Platba_p=F8es_PayPal?=
   From: "aze" <>
   Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 09:20:05 +0100
     To: "HW-news" <>

>Pøed nekolika dny stovky euro, v minulosti je¹tì víc, teï jde o 50 .....
>Ale nìco se dìje, mám dal¹í zprávu, plís angliètináøi hilfe:
>"Thank you for contacting PayPal.
>I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused you.
>If you receiving a message the you have exceeded your sending limit,
>please be informed that this is a known issue and I would like to let
>you know that our technicians is actively working on this one towards a
>resolution. Actually, your account is already verified and this means
>that your sending limit is already lifted. On my end it shows:
>Sending Limit: Unlimited
>I understand that you are trying to use your card in sending this
>payment online. I would like you to know that our Internal Security
>Program is seeing this card of yours unavailable right now as a funding
>source. It has nothing to do with your card's funds or with your credit
>limit or even your sending limit.
>Note: If your transaction has been denied, you may be able to complete
>the transaction using another funding source. I may also suggest that
>you do this payment at a later time.
>As for my personal experience regarding such case, trying this payment
>at a later time most of the time works since I think it changes the
>pattern of the behavior of your account. But still this is not a full
>assurance that it will push through.
>We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter, and
>wish you continued success on PayPal. Rest assured that we are committed
>to making your experiences at PayPal pleasant and rewarding.
>If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.
>PayPal, an eBay Company
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:05 AM
>Subject: Platba pøes PayPal
>A mate overenou kreditku na Paypalu?
>Na me to pusobi dojmem, ze jste prelez limit, ktery umoznuje platbu pres 
>neoverenou kreditku a paypal chce abyste svou kartu overil.
>Kolik je celkova castka, kolik jste zatim nejvice platil v minulosti?
>>Zdravím v¹echny zku¹ené úèasdtníky dra¾eb na ebay.
>Prosím o radu, co s tím.
>Po aukci jsem chtì¹l pøejít na PayPal jako v¾dy. V kolonce "Balné a doprava"
>nebyl údaj, na PayPal to dál ne¹lo. Po¾ádal jsem prodejce o doplnìní ceny, 
>to udìlal.
>Po zadání hesla se nedostanu na úèet, ale na stránku "Link and confirm your 
>debit or credit card" a je po¾adován nìjaký "PayPal code", který nemám.
>Dole je volba "Submit, Resend PayPal Code nebo Cancel".
>Tento pøípad se mi stal nedávno, ale to bylo zavinìno prodejcem (taliján), 
>který se jednodu¹e rozhodl, ¾e mi pøedmìt dra¾by nepo¹le, proto¾e se mu 
>zdála cena nízká (!). To zde nechci øe¹it.
>To jsem ale nevìdìl, tak¾e jsem se pokou¹el úèet nìjak verifikovat a vím, ¾e 
>po tøech ¹patných pokusech zadání kódu se to celé nìjak zablokuje a je dal¹í 
>problém. Pak se to vyøe¹ilo, z PayPalu napsali, ¾e prodejce zru¹il transakci 
>a nìjak to odblokovali.
>Kontaktoval jsem s pomocí své ¹patné angliètiny PayPal a tady mám odpovìï, 
>jen¾e opìt nevím co s tím:
>"Thank you for contacting PayPal in relation to your query regarding the 
>confirmation of a credit card on your PayPal account.
>I have reviewed your account and it shows that when a customer initially 
>opens their PayPal account, they have initial sending, receiving and 
>withdrawal limits. PayPal is regulated by the European Union that if a 
>customer spends near their total sending limit, we must warn the customer to 
>verify their account in order to lift the limits. This is to comply with the 
>European Union Anti-Money Laundering Regulations.
>Please let me know if you require additional assistance in the future.
>Thanks again for contacting us, and thank you for being part of the PayPal 
>David Joseph"
>Pochopil jsem, ¾e oni po zvý¹ení ceny prodejcem o dopravu po¾adují ovìøení 
>úètu, abych nevypral tìch ¹pinavých 10 euro za dopravu.
>Zmìny ceny ale dìlali i jiní døíve a naposledy pøed nìkolika dny a v¹e 
>fungovalo dál.
>Setkal se s tím nìkdo? Co s tím?
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