AVR fuses

Martin Hanek martin.hanek@centrum.cz
Čtvrtek Květen 29 15:22:41 CEST 2008

Podivejte se na ty signaly LPT jak uz Vam nekdo radil. To nejspise 
nebude nastavenim.

Mate windowsy? Jestli jo, tak zkuste jiny soft:
konkretne kabel:
a software:

Martin Hanek

DavPra napsal(a):
> Diky moc za nazornou ukazku.. 
> Na netu sem taky nasel tento kalkulator http://palmavr.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/fc.cgi a nastvil sem hodnoty na defaul:
> -U lfuse:w:0x64:m -U hfuse:w:0xDF:m
> a stejne mi to haze chybu..
> avrdude -p t2313 -c stk200 -U flash:w:pokus.hex -U lfuse:w:0x64:m -U hfuse:w:0xDF:m
> avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
> Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s
> avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e910a
> avrdude: safemode: Verify error - unable to read lfuse properly. Programmer may not be reliable.
> avrdude: safemode: To protect your AVR the programming will be aborted
> avrdude done.  Thank you.
> make: *** [load] Error 1
> Myslite, ze je to tim ze to zkousim na notasu a mohl by mit "slaby" LPT...?
> S pozdravem Boldak

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