OT: 2 kvizy z anglictiny na patek

J.F.K. hw-conf@elsaco.cz
Úterý Červen 10 11:04:11 CEST 2008

Lukáš Grepl napsal(a):
>>   1) Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
>>   2) James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.
>>   Obe vety jsou syntakticky korektni anglicke vety. Ve druhe vete by prospela interpunkce, aby byl vyznam zretelnejsi, prvni si zase zahrava s homonymnimi a homofonnimi slovy.
>>   Az to budete chtit vzdat, na Wikipedii naleznete vysvetleni obou.
> To mi pripomina jednu znamou nemeckou:
> Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach.
> Lukas Grepl
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