The final cool-down
Úterý Červen 3 12:18:13 CEST 2008
No nejsem takovej anglictinar abych to prelozil uplne 100%ne, ale spis
slo o to, aby to helium chladilo musi se odparovat ne? Samotne kapalne
helium nic nechladi a jak je tedy udelany ten vlastni obvod chlazeni -
jestli si to mam pradstavit jako obri cernackou feldflasku s filcovym
obalem na magnetech a to odpareny helium se nekde jima a znovu zkapalni
a vrati do okruhu?
Radek Vicek
Daniel Valuch napsal(a):
> specialista na tieto veci nie som, ale pisu ze:
> The superconducting magnet windings in arcs, dispersion suppressors and
> inner triplets will be immersed in a pressurised bath of superfluid
> helium at about 0.13 MPa (1.3 bar) and a maximum temperature of 1.9 K
> [7, 8]. This allows a sufficient temperature margin for heat transfer
> across the electrical insulation. As the specific heat of the
> superconducting alloy and its copper matrix fall rapidly with decreasing
> temperature, the full benefit in terms of stability margin of operation
> at 1.9 K instead of at the conventional 4.5 K may only be reaped by
> making effective use of the transport properties of superfluid helium,
> for which the temperature of 1.9 K also corresponds to a maximum in the
> effective thermal conductivity [9]. The low bulk viscosity enables the
> coolant to permeate the heart of the magnet windings, while the very
> large specific heat (typically 105 times that of the conductor per unit
> mass, 2 × 103 times per unit volume), combined with the enormous heat
> conductivity at moderate flux (3000 times that of cryogenic-grade OFHC
> copper, peaking at 1.9 K) can have a powerful stabilising action on
> thermal disturbances.
> konkretne stavy a detailne informacie sa daju najst v design reporte
> na strane 5 je termodynamicky diagram s teplotami a tlakmi.
> Udrzanie teploty chladiacej kvapaliny je dosiahnute dokonalou tepelnou
> izolaciou od vonkajsich zdrojov tepla. Nicim inym.
> b.
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