dspic a SLEEP

"Ing. Libor Konečný" support@mikrovlny.cz
Středa Leden 9 14:49:40 CET 2008

Ok diky, dneska jsem zjistil ze mikroe dspic 3.0 to neumi;-)
stahl jsem tedy 4.0. a tam mi hapruje pwm, pri najeti na tu funkcni  se 
to auto rebootuje, to je fakt za trest....


Jozo napsal(a):
> Ja sleep nepouzivam, ale v examploch k C30 je jeden jednoduchy priklad. 
> Ziadnu vedu okolo toho nerobia, tak neviem co je taky problem. Tu je ten 
> zdrojak + definicia makra, skusat to nemam cas.
> #define Sleep() {__asm__ volatile ("pwrsav #0");}
> /**********************************************************************
> * © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.
> *
> * FileName: fast_wake_up_from_SLEEP_mode.c
> * Dependencies: Header (.h) files if applicable, see below
> * Processor: dsPIC30Fxxxx
> * Compiler: MPLAB® C30 v1.33.00 or higher
> * IDE: MPLAB® IDE v7.20.01 or later
> * Dev. Board Used: dsPICDEM 1.1 Development Board
> * Hardware Dependencies: None
> *
> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * Author Date Comments on this revision
> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * HV 09/30/05 First release of source file
> *
> *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> *
> *
> **********************************************************************/
> #include "p30fxxxx.h"
> #if defined (__dsPIC30F6010__) || defined (__dsPIC30F6011__) || defined 
> (__dsPIC30F6012__) || defined (__dsPIC30F6013__) || \
> defined (__dsPIC30F6014__) || defined (__dsPIC30F2010__)
> _FOSC(CSW_FSCM_OFF & FRC); /* Set up for Internal Fast RC*/
> #else
> /* Macros for Configuration Fuse Registers (copied from device header 
> file):*/
> _FOSC(CSW_FSCM_OFF & FRC_PLL16); /* Set up for Internal Fast RC by 16x 
> PLL */
> #endif
> _FWDT(WDT_OFF); /* Turn off the Watch-Dog Timer. */
> _FBORPOR(MCLR_EN & PWRT_OFF); /* Enable MCLR reset pin and turn off the 
> power-up timers. */
> _FGS(CODE_PROT_OFF); /* Disable Code Protection */
> /* Global Variables and Functions */
> int main (void);
> void INT1_Init(void);
> void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _INT1Interrupt(void);
> int main (void)
> {
> ADPCFG = 0xFFFF; /* Configure ANx pins used by ICD for digital i/o*/
> TRISD = 0x0000; /* LEDs on dsPICDEM 1.1 board are connected to RD0-RD3 */
> LATD = 0x0000; /* We will configure Port D to be output so we can use */
> /* use LEDs as an indicator of the occurrence of external */
> /* interrupts */
> INT1_Init(); /* Call function to initialize the External Interrupt- INT1 */
> while (1) /* Loop endlessly */
> {
> Sleep(); /* View the time between the falling edge on the INT1 pin*/
> /* and the toggling of Port D pins to estimate the */
> /* time it takes to wake up from SLEEP */
> /*NOTE: In this project, we set up FOSC so that the device */
> /*operates using the Internal Fast RC oscillator and the PLL 16 
> multiplier mode */
> /*The PLL has a lock time of ~20us. So the device will wake up*/
> /*and execute code in the INT1 ISR within 30us(=10us+20us). Further, it */
> /*run at a throughput of ~29.4 MIPS upon wake-up.*/
> /*NOTE2: If you need the device to wake up in less than 10us*/
> /*simply, configure the FOSC to use the FRC mode without PLL*/
> }
> }
> /*
> Functions:
> INT1_Init() sets up the INT1 pin.
> INT1 pin on the 30F6014A device is connected to switch S1, on the 
> dsPICDEM1.1 board.
> */
> void INT1_Init(void)
> {
> //S1 connected to INT1
> INTCON2 = 0x0002; /*Setup INT1 to interupt on falling edge*/
> IFS1bits.INT1IF = 0; /*Reset INT1 interrupt flag */
> IEC1bits.INT1IE = 1; /*Enable INT1 Interrupt Service Routine */
> }
> /*
> _INT1Interrupt() is the INT1 interrupt service routine (ISR).
> The routine must have global scope in order to be an ISR.
> The ISR name is chosen from the device linker script.
> */
> void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _INT1Interrupt(void)
> {
> LATD ^= 0xFFFF; /* Toggle Port D bits */
> Nop();
> LATD ^= 0xFFFF; /* Toggle Port D bits */
> IFS1bits.INT1IF = 0; /* Clear the INT1 interrupt flag or else */
> /* the CPU will keep vectoring back to the ISR */
> /* View the time between the falling edge on the INT1 pin*/
> /* and the rising edge of Port D pins to estimate the */
> /* time it takes to wake up from SLEEP */
> /*NOTE: In this project, we set up FOSC so that the device */
> /*operates using the Internal Fast RC oscillator and the PLL 16 
> multiplier mode */
> /*The PLL has a lock time of ~20us. So the device will wake up*/
> /*and execute code in the INT1 ISR within 30us (=10us+20us). Further, it */
> /*run at a throughput of ~29.4 MIPS upon wake-up.*/
> /*NOTE2: If you need the device to wake up in 10us*/
> /*simply, configure the FOSC to use the FRC mode without PLL*/
> }
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