Elektrolyticky odpor (a Omega II a povoleni sroubku)
Daniel Valuch
Úterý Prosinec 30 18:16:29 CET 2008
neviem sice presne co to znamena ale nasiel som k tomu toto:
Resistance, Electrolytic
The resistance of an electrolyte to the passage of a current decomposing
it. It is almost entirely due to electrolysis and is added to by
counter- electro-motive force, yet it is not treated specifically as
such, but as an actual resistance. When a current of a circuit of too
low voltage to decompose an electrolyte is caused by way of immersed
terminals to pass through an electrolyte the resistance appears very
high and sometimes almost infinite. If the voltage is increased until
the electrolyte is decomposed the resistance suddenly drops, and what
should be termed electrolytic resistance, far lower than the true
resistance, appears. Resistance, English Absolute or Foot-Second Unit
of. A unit based on the foot and second. It is equal to (( foot / second
) * 1E7) , being based on these dimensions. It is equal to 0.30140 legal
Saša Svobodová wrote:
> Hezky vecer,
> kdyz uz mam naladu na sosani informaci, co to prosim je
> "Elektrolyticky odpor"? Nejak nemam napad, co by to tak mohlo byt. O
> jejich existenci se zminuje Metra Blansko na zadni casti mericiho
> pristroje Omega II.
> Kdyby z ni nekdo mel merici ustroji, byla bych vdecna. Jednu Omegu
> II mam, ale nekdo se na ni poradne pomstil a vypada to, ze prave merici
> ustroji je spalene. Popalene jsou i takove "pruzinky" co jsou v
> privodech k ustroji. Asi to jsou nejake dovazovaci odpory. Mustek totiz
> stejnosmerne nemeri, po prepnuti na mereni stridave vsak meri (do
> sluchatka). Mimochodem, ty sroubky, kterymi je ustroji prisroubovane k
> chassis nekdo tak dotahl, ze nejdou povolit. Napada nekoho, jak je
> povolit bez odvrtavani ci destrukce pristroje? Jsou to mosazne srouby
> zasroubovane do, asi, zeleza.
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