DO s plovoucim kodem a bezpecnost

Lubos Medovarsky
Čtvrtek Listopad 29 20:41:54 CET 2007

jan.kuba wrote:
> Dle me pouziva pro  dekoder prijimace  origos zakazkove obvody  keylok , 
> ktere jsou uz s dekodovacim klicem upecene od vyrobce .
> A na zaklade vysilani klicenky nelze ten klic zjistit....   i kdyz mozna 
> pri pouziti " hrube sily" kdo vi :-)

Uz len zbezny pohlad na Google Suggest dava jasne najavo, ze ustrednou
temou ohladne Keeloq je navod na brute force prelomenie.

> This doesn't mean Dunkelman can just walk onto a parking lot and open
> any car that's the same model of the one he cracked. He still needs to
> crack the unique key used to open the other cars. But because he already
> knows the 36 bits that are common to all of the keys for one model of
> car, it takes only a few seconds to crack those other keys. He can do
> this by reading the keys wirelessly -- for example, while sitting next
> to a patron at a restaurant or standing near a car when an owner opens
> it and sniffing the communication between the digital key and the car.
> Once he has a key's unique code, he can encode it to a chip in a remote
> device (which he can do in a couple of seconds in the field) and use it
> to open and steal the car.


Lubos Medovarsky
Accelera Networks s.r.o.


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