OT: Prve tri kilometre LHC su uz na 4.5K!

Daniel VALUCH daniel.valuch@wanadoo.fr
Čtvrtek Březen 8 11:33:40 CET 2007

interaktivny obrazok tu http://hcc.web.cern.ch/hcc/cryogenics/cryo_magnets.php :-)

Sector 7-8 being cooled to 4.5K!

The cool down of the 3km long LHC sector 7-8 between point 7 (Ferney-Voltaire) and point 8 (Prévessin) has entered a new phase. The cryostats with the superconducting magnets, which had been kept around 20 K (‑253°C) for the past week, are gradually being cooled down to 4.5 K (‑268°C) and filled with liquid helium. This new phase in the cooling process was successfully started on Monday 5 March and is progressing after a tuning session that lasted most of the day. To get down to 1.9K (‑271°C), a new component of the cryogenics plant, the 1.8K units, will be turned on.
In the meantime the teams who will carry out the magnet powering are busy validating the test procedures and running the interlock tests to ensure safe operation of the equipment. They are ready to start the powering as soon as the cryo team reaches stable conditions at 1.9 K.

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