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Neděle Červenec 8 11:00:01 CEST 2007

pozeral som v archive IEEE a je tam hafo clankov na tuto temu. Je to 
celkom zaujimave, ak budete potrebovat nieco konkretne tak sa mozem pozret.

Sudovec wrote:
> Co třeba Wikipedie a odkazovaná literatura? Taky nic?
> TDR used in the Earth and Agricultural Sciences
> TDR is used to determine soil moisture water content in porous media, where over the last two decades substantial advances have been made; including in soils, grains and food stuffs, and in sediments. The key to TDR’s success is its ability to accurately determine the permittivity (dielectric constant) of a material from wave propagation, and the fact that there is a strong relationship between the permittivity of a material and its water content, as demonstrated in the pioneering works of Hoekstra and Delaney (1974) and Topp et al. (1980). Recent reviews and reference work on the subject
> include, Topp and Reynolds (1998), Noborio (2001), Pettinellia et al. 
> (2002), Topp and Ferre (2002) and Robinson et al. (2003). The TDR method is a transmission line technique, and determines an apparent TDR permittivity (Ka) from the travel time of an electromagnetic wave that propagates along a transmission line, usually two or more parallel metal rods embedded in a soil or sediment. TDR probes are usually between 10 and 30 cm in length and connected to the TDR via a coaxial cable.

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