Maximalni velikost disku ve win XP
J. Polivka
Pondělí Listopad 20 11:09:27 CET 2006
Vytazeno z helpu DiskWizardu2003 od Seagate.
137GB Capacity Barrier
The Windows 137GB Capacity Barrier is also known as 48-bit Logical Block
Addressing Support for ATA, Serial ATA or ATAPI disc drives. The 137GB
limitation does not affect SCSI interface disc drives.
1) Operating System Solutions
The only current Windows operating systems that natively support the full
capacity of drives larger than 137GB are:
Windows XP Home Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Windows XP Professional SP1
Windows 2000 Professional SP3
Windows 2000 Server SP3
2) Chipset Solutions for Windows 98SE, Me, NT4.x, 2000 and XP
Intel 8xx Series Chipsets
Intel offers drivers to support the full capacity of drives larger than 137
GB on motherboards equipped with the Intel 810, 810E, 810E2, 815, 815, 815E,
815EP, 815P, 820, 820E, 830M, 830MP, 830MG, 840, 845, 850, or 860 chipset.
The Intel Application Accelerator v2.3 or above is compatible with Windows
98SE, Me, NT, 2000, and XP operating systems. Detailed information and the
latest version of the driver can be downloaded from If you are not sure what kind of
chipset your motherboard has, contact your system or motherboard
Other Chipsets
Some motherboards and PCI ATA cards equipped with VIA, SiS, ALi, NVIDIA,
HighPoint, and Promise chipsets may have drivers or updates that will allow
you to access the full capacity of a drive larger than 137GB. You should
contact or visit your chipset, system, or motherboard manufacturer's website
to see if they have information about the 137GB Windows operating system
limitation and drivers available for your operating system.
J. Polivka
1) stale jeste se setkavam s problemy pri nastavovani master, slave.
Nejsem si ted jisty, ale seagate, kdyz je na ksande sam, tak by mel
byt nastaveny jako Master/Single, ne jako slave. Cable Select moc
2)nejsem si ted 100% jisty, ze XP bez SP1 umely 48bit adresaci
3) to, ze bios disk spravne detekuje a napise spravne velikost
neznamena, ze ho podporuje. Omrknete web vyrobce (desky), jestli se
tam nevali novy bios
On 11/20/06, Vladimír Anděl <> wrote:
> Dobry den, koupil jsem si disk 320 GB ATA (paralelni) a nedari se mi ho
> naformatovat. Zkousel jsem to instalatorem XP (NTFS) a formatovani dojde
> do 100%, potom mi to oznami ze disk je asi vadny a nelze jej naformatovat.
> Nez pujdu disk reklamovat, chci vyzkouset vse dostupne.
> - Umi win XP tak velky disk? Nemam ho rozdelit treba na dva?
> - Disk byl na ksande jako slave, stary disk byl odpojen. Nevadi ze byl na
> prostredku ksandy - nevznikaji na konci odrazy?
> - Je mozne ze tak velky disk neumi zakladni deska? Typ desky si uz
> nepamatuju, ale je na ni Atlon 1800+ a je to nejrychlejsi procesor, ktery
> deska umi.
> Vic duvodu proc to nejde, me nenapada.
> Napadne nekoho v cem jeste muze byt chyba?
> Andel
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