MMC karty a RAW zapis

Pondělí Červen 5 18:05:08 CEST 2006

Ok, diky. Zkusim to nejak rozbehat.



Posilam par odkazu a fragmentu kodu ktery urcite po par upravach i
zkompilujete, snad to pomuze.
Abyste si neprepsal disk ktery nechcete prepsat, je vhodne napr. pri
otevreni zkontrolovat velikost
oteviraneho disku a zakazat pristup na "velke disky", nebo zkontrolovat zda
jsou na nejakem sektoru,
nebo sektorech zapsana urcita identifikacni data, ktera si zvolite.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AlarmRead.h"
#include "AlarmReadDlg.h"
#include "winioctl.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <direct.h>

unsigned char read_sd (unsigned char *buf, unsigned long sector) {
  DWORD res;

  res = SetFilePointer(
  dh,          // handle of file
  sector*512,  // number of bytes to move file pointer
  NULL,        // pointer to high-order DWORD of distance to move
  FILE_BEGIN   // how to move

  if ((res==0xFFFFFFFF)||(res!=sector*512))
   return (0);

  if (!ReadFile(
       dh,                          // handle of file to read
       buf,                         // pointer to buffer that receives data
       512,                         // number of bytes to read
       &res,                        // pointer to number of bytes read
       NULL                         // pointer to structure for data
      return (0);

  if (res!=512) return (0);

  return (1);

unsigned char read_block_sd (unsigned char *buf, unsigned long sector,
unsigned long size)
  DWORD res;

  res = SetFilePointer(
  dh,          // handle of file
  sector*512,  // number of bytes to move file pointer
  NULL,        // pointer to high-order DWORD of distance to move
  FILE_BEGIN   // how to move

  if ((res==0xFFFFFFFF)||(res!=sector*512))
   return (0);

  if (!ReadFile(
       dh,                          // handle of file to read
       buf,                         // pointer to buffer that receives data
       (size+1)*512,                        // number of bytes to read
       &res,                        // pointer to number of bytes read
       NULL                         // pointer to structure for data
      return (0);

  if (res!=(size+1)*512) return (0);

  return (1);

unsigned char write_sd (unsigned char *buf, unsigned long sector, unsigned
long size) {
  DWORD res;

  res = SetFilePointer(
  dh,          // handle of file
  sector*512,  // number of bytes to move file pointer
  NULL,        // pointer to high-order DWORD of distance to move
  FILE_BEGIN   // how to move

  if ((res==0xFFFFFFFF)||(res!=sector*512))
   return (0);

  if (!WriteFile(
       dh,                          // handle of file to write
       buf,                         // pointer to buffer that receives data
       size*512,                    // number of bytes to write
       &res,                        // pointer to number of bytes writed
       NULL                         // pointer to structure for data
      return (0);

  if (res!=size*512) return (0);

  return (1);

bool get_drive_size (unsigned long *ds) {
  DWORD br;

  if (!DeviceIoControl(
  dh,                            // handle to device of interest
  IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, // dwIoControlCode, control code of
operation to perform
  NULL,                          // lpInBuffer is not used; must be NULL
  0,                             // nInBufferSize is not used; must be zero
  &dg,                           // pointer to output buffer
  sizeof(dg),                    // size, in bytes, of lpOutBuffer
  &br,                           // pointer to variable to receive output
byte count
  NULL                           // pointer to OVERLAPPED structure for
asynchronous operation
  )) return (false);

  if (dg.BytesPerSector!=512) return (false);


  return (true);

char drivet[]="\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVEX";
char selected_drive;

bool open_disc (unsigned char fmode) {
 DWORD dw, le;

 if (fmode==0)
     dh = CreateFile(
      drivet,                            // pointer to name of the file
      GENERIC_READ,                      // access mode
      FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,  // share mode
      NULL,                              // pointer to security attributes
      OPEN_EXISTING,                     // how to create
      0,                                 // file attributes
      NULL                               // handle to file with attributes
to copy
     dh = CreateFile(
      drivet,                            // pointer to name of the file
      GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,        // access mode
      FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,  // share mode
      NULL,                              // pointer to security attributes
      OPEN_EXISTING,                     // how to create
      0,                                 // file attributes
      NULL                               // handle to file with attributes
to copy

  le=GetLastError ();
  return (false);

 dw = GetFileType (dh);
 if (dw!=FILE_TYPE_DISK) {
  CloseHandle (dh);
  return (false);

    if (!get_drive_size (&sd_tot_size)) {
  CloseHandle (dh);
  return (false);

 return (true);

>>Jestli by to nevadilo, tak bych byl za kousek kodu rad  :) .
>>Tou vetou jsem chtel rict ze casto se CreateFile pouziva pro pristup na
>>disk, ale ne primo RAW, ale souborovy zapis v ramci filesystemu.

>>Zatim me nenapada co pouzit jako "pointer to name of the file" (/*???*/)
>>, je to hned prvni parametr funkce createfile. Mluvim o pripadu kdy chci
>>pristup na USB ctecku karet. Abych treba omylem nehrabnul na pevny disk
>>a pak by byl problem na svete.

>>hDevice = CreateFile( /*???*/ , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,

>>Kdyz jsme u toho, podobny pristup by sel pouzit i na seriovy a LPT port?


>>DeviceIOControl je spis na nastavovani nejakych specifickych vlastnosti.
>>Ano pomoci funkci (CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, CloseHandle)
>>raw data do/z jakehokoliv sektroru.

>>Nevim co si predstavit pod touto vetou ?:
>>"mel jsem za to ze v pripade disku se pouziva session pres FAT nebo NTFS"

>>Kdyz to bude nutny, tak muzu poslat i kus
>>kodu na ukazku, ale fakt to neni veda.


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