Ruzne druhy kondenzatoru
Daniel Valuch
Úterý Duben 18 11:43:38 CEST 2006
jj a este:
The Top 10 Things Engineering School didn't teach
10. There are at least 10 types of capacitors.
9. Theory tells you how a circuit works, not why it does not work.
8. Not everything works according to the specs in the databook.
7. Anything practical you learn will be obsolete before you use it,
except the complex math, which you will never use.
6. Always try to fix the hardware with software.
5. Engineering is like having an 8 a.m. class and a late afternoon
lab every day for the rest of your life.
4. Overtime pay? What overtime pay?
3. Managers, not engineers, rule the world.
2. If you like junk food, caffeine and all-nighters, go into
1. Dilbert is a documentary.
Jan Waclawek wrote:
> Marek Sembol wrote:
>> Zdravim,
>> Zjevne je to zakladni neznalost a ostuda, ale jake jsou rozdily mezi
>> ruznymi druhy kondenzatoru? (keramickym, foliovy,...)
> trocha citania:
> wek
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