Re:TDA 7580
Vaclav Peroutka
Úterý Listopad 15 10:47:40 CET 2005
Viz datasheet strana 2 : The 24bit-DSP allows flexibility in the algorithms implementation, thus giving some freedom for customer required features. The total processing power offers a significant headroom for customer’s software requirement,
even when the channel equalization and the decoding software is running. The Program and Data Memory
space can be loaded from an external non volatile memory via I2C or SPI.
Coz v praxi znamena napriklad, ze program je ulozeny do I2C eeprom a po startu si obvod osaha, jestli je na I2C sbernici EEPROM a nasosne si program.
PS: skoda, ze na strankach nejsou nejake application notes...
> ----------------------------------------
> Jakpak by se asi nasazoval? Je už předprogramovaný nebo by se musel napsat
> program?
> Petr
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