OT: rekomprese MPEG-2 neboli DVD (neni dotaz, ale reseni)
Čtvrtek Listopad 3 13:17:04 CET 2005
A Tobe se podarilo pomoci DVD shrinku zmensit soubor v MPEG-2? Nebo si jen myslis ze to jde, z toho, cos cet na webu?
> Od: benes.m@stapro.cz
> Komu: hw-list@list.hw.cz
> CC:
> Datum: 03.11.2005 13:08
> Předmět: Re: OT: rekomprese MPEG-2 neboli DVD (neni dotaz, ale reseni)
> Kdyz myslis....
> "Why do I need to use DVD Shrink?
> Most DVDs are designed to prevent you from making copies.
> The first preventative measure is encryption. Commercial DVD titles are
> often encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to your hard
> drive, or if you manage to do so, being able to play the resulting files.
> DVD Shrink overcomes this problem with built-in decryption algorithms.
> The next problem is not so easy. Most DVD video titles are simply too
> large to fit, without modification, onto a single recordable DVD-R disk.
> DVD Shrink overcomes this problem by compressing or "shrinking" the data
> from your original DVD.
> DVD Shrink also allows you to re-author your DVD. You can make your own
> compilation from one or more source DVDs, or select only the parts of a
> DVD which you intend to view, thus preserving more space on your backup
> for the highest quality viewing."
> Mira
> mjfox@centrum.cz wrote:
> > DVD shrink taky mam, ale ten snad umi jen na zalohovani DVDcek - tj.
> souboru v adresarove strukture DVD video. Takovy Clone.DVD (zkusebni verze
> na 30 dni zdarma) umi taky zkopirovat film z dvouvrstveho DVD na
> jednovrstve.
> > > Ja jsem potreboval zmensit primo 5,5GB soubor v MPEG-2.
> > > P.K.
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