problem s asm a 8051

Jarek B.
Sobota Červenec 30 12:43:46 CEST 2005

Preposilam email od jednoho cloveka, sam asm pro 8051 neovladam...

Dobry den, 
          mohl by jste se prosim vas podivat na nasleduji program v asm? Myslim si, ze jej mam napsany dobre,ale pripravek
nereaguje dobre. Rozsviti se jen cast LED misto vsech. Tudiz nevim, zda hledat chybu v asm kodu neho v hardwaru.
V priloze posilam kod v asm, jpg grafu prenosu dat do MAX6952. Dale nasleduje postup zapisu do registru zarizeni,
jak je to popsano v manualu k obvodu MAX6952. Dekuji 

Writing Device Registers
The MAX6952 contains a 16-bit shift register into which
DIN data are clocked on the rising edge of SCLK, when
CS is low. When CS is high, transitions on SCLK have
no effect. When CS goes high, the 16 bits in the shift
register are parallel loaded into a 16-bit latch. The 16
bits in the latch are then decoded and executed.
The MAX6952 is written to using the following
1) Take CLK low.
2) Take CS low. This enables the internal 16-bit shift
3) Clock 16 bits of data into DIN, D15 first to D0 last,
observing the setup and hold times. Bit D15 is low,
indicating a write command.
4) Take CS high (while CLK is still high after clocking
in the last data bit).
5) Take CLK low.
Figure 3 shows a write operation when 16 bits are
If fewer or greater than 16 bits are clocked into the
MAX6952 between taking CS low and taking CS high
again, the MAX6952 stores the last 16 bits received,
including the previous transmission(s). The general
case is when n bits (where n > 16) are transmitted to
the MAX6952. The last bits comprising bits {n-15} to {n}
are retained and are parallel loaded into the 16-bit latch
as bits D15 to D0, respectively (Figure 4).
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