ELV - zdroj 0-30V/10A - program na schemata
Snail Instruments
Neděle Únor 27 18:40:03 CET 2005
At 04:28 PM 2/27/05, you wrote:
>no to ano, ale prece nebudu predelavat kvuli tomu celou knihovnu..
Mam na to jednoduche ULP. Predelava to 'name' a 'value' na desce, ale na
obdobnem principu to muze projet treba knihovnu:
real textsize=1; //size in mm
int textratio=8; //ratio in %
printf("grid mm;\n");
if (board) board(B)
printf("dis 25;\n");
printf("dis 26;\n");
printf("dis 27;\n");
printf("dis 28;\n");
printf("chan size %f (%f %f);\n", textsize, u2mm(T.x), u2mm(T.y));
printf("chan ratio %d (%f %f);\n", textratio, u2mm(T.x), u2mm(T.y));
printf("grid last;\n");
J. Hanzal
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