[OT] Linux - jak ulozit prilohu mailu

Petr Simek psimek@jcu.cz
Čtvrtek Prosinec 22 19:44:51 CET 2005

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Bitovod wrote:

> Jde o to, ze mam na linuxu (Debian) mailbox, do nehoz padne zaPGPckovany mail
> a on z nej ma vyseparoavat prilohu (jeden wordovsky dokument) a kamsi to
> presunout na Win server. Decrypt i presun souboru je uz bez problemu, ale
> nejak jsem se zakousnul na vyseparovani te prilohy, google mne odkazuje na
> procmail, ale nikdy jsem nemel potrebu s nim delat a ted ho nejsem schopen
> vstrebat :(

Podivejte se na balicek mpack konkretne na program munpack :

Using munpack:

Munpack is used to decode one or more messages in MIME or
split-uuencoded format and extract the embedded files.  The program is
invoked with:

        munpack [options] filename...

which reads the messages in the files "filename...".  Munpack may also
be invoked with just:

        munpack [options]

which reads a message from the standard input.

If the message suggests a file name to use for the imbedded part, that
name is cleaned of potential problem characters and used for the
output file.  If the suggested filename includes subdirectories, they
will be created as necessary.  If the message does not suggest a file
name, the names "part1", "part2", etc are used in sequence.

If the imbedded part was preceded with textual information, that
information is also written to a file. The file is named the same as
the imbedded part, with any filename extension replaced with

> Pavel Kutina

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                             psimek@jcu.cz                              |

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