Re: OT: Počítače a bankovnictví - KsLogger - je to freeware , těžkej průser

Sobota Srpen 27 13:55:17 CEST 2005

Wow, prosty clovek zasne, odborni se divi a pravidelny ctenar HWnews
se vali smichy po podlaze. Ptate se nad cim ????

1) _v bezpecnem prohlizeci_
2) Linux to resi jeste mnohem lip, ale to je zbytecne tu rozvadet.

ad 1)
Neznam, ale rad se necham poucit. Dle mych povsechnych vedomosti byla zatim 
v kazdem browseru odhalena nejedna dirka - tu vetsi, tu mensi :-))))

ad 2)
mozna by obcas stalo za to se podivat do toho naseho oblibeneho 
predzvejkavace informaci, ze :-)))))

Pak by cteny kolega demagog mozna prozrel, protoze hle co se nam tu objevi:
1983 - The First Documented Experimental Virus
On November 3, 1983, the first virus was conceived of as an experiment to be 
presented at a weekly seminar on computer security. The concept was first 
introduced in this seminar by the author, and the name 'virus' was thought 
of by Len Adleman. After 8 hours of expert work on a heavily loaded VAX 
11/750 system running Unix, the first virus was completed and ready for 
demonstration. Within a week, permission was obtained to perform 
experiments, and 5 experiments were performed. On November 10, the virus was 
demonstrated to the security seminar.

Predevsim bych upozornil na klicova slova VAX, UNIX a absenci jinych 
klicovych slov MS, WINDOWS, GLOBALIZACE, etc :-)))))))))

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