Riadenie svietivosti LED

Jan Waclawek wek@evona.sk
Pátek Duben 1 10:37:56 CEST 2005

Miroslav Soltisik wrote:
> Citlivost oka na barvu se lisi i podle vlnove delky. Oko je nejmene
> citlive v oblasti modre, kde je nejcitlivejsi, to si ted nepamatuju...
> Ano, tento nezmysel sa vyucuje aj na skolach.
> BTW je to naopak, oko je najcitlivejsie na tmavomodru farbu.

Prosim Vas, to mate odkial???

> Aby to nebolo take jednoduche, pri vyssej intenzite je najcitlivejsie na
> zltu farbu.

Vobec nie.
Neviem, ake mate zdroje, ale ten "nezmysel, co sa uci na skole" sa dost 
casto opakuje v roznych variantach v roznych zdrojoch, takze si myslim, 
ze nieco na tom bude :-)

Na tom site kam som daval odkaz je napr.

Photometry is the measurement and specification of light relating to its 
effect on vision. The eye can be regarded as a radiant energy detector 
with a selective spectral response. In a well lit environment it is 
maximally sensitive to light of about 555 nm (yellow-green light) and 
relatively insensitive to far red and blue light. The function 
describing the response of the human eye to different wavelengths is 
known as the relative luminous efficiency function.
( http://webvision.med.utah.edu/Psych1.html )
a standardna krivka je
http://webvision.med.utah.edu/gifswv/Kall4.gif a 


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