pravny problem?
Lukas Grepl
Úterý Září 28 09:47:49 CEST 2004
Myslim ze v tomto pripade je klicove definovat to 'volne dostupny'.
Zalezi totiz predevsim na licenci, se kterou je dany kod poskytovan. V
te muze byt napsano (a vetsinou taky byva), ze tento kod muzete pouzit
jen za u urcitych okolnosti a ze nesmite provadet jakykoliv reverse
Napr. namatkou z webu Matroxu:
Any software that is made available to download from this server
("Software") is the copyrighted work of Matrox and/or its
suppliers. Use of the Software is governed by the terms of the end user
license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the
Software ("License Agreement"). An end user will be unable to install
any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement,
unless he or she first agrees to the License Agreement terms. The
downloading and the use of any Software is subject to the following
restrictions and limitations:
1. No right to recopy, sell, distribute, license, sub-license, alter,
modify, disassemble, de-compile or reverse engineer any
driver in any manner whatsoever is hereby given. Violation may result
in severe civil and/or criminal penalties as violators will be
prosecuted to the maximum extent possible;
2. You are permitted to use the Software on a single computer owned or
leased by you. You may not use the Software on more than a single
machine, even if you own or lease more than one machine, without prior
written consent of Matrox;
Lukas Grepl
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