Jindrich Vidensky
Středa Březen 17 14:30:50 CET 2004
Friday, May 17, 2002, 9:50:27 AM, Ing. Poucha pise:
IPP> mam tu soubor pro 8051, ale ani jeden z prekladacu, co tu mame (Asm51, Keil)
IPP> si s nim nevi rady. Nepoznate nekdo prosim, ktery prekladac by to mohl byt ?
IPP> Hlavne jde o jinak definovane konstanty:
IPP> .equ JMENO,p3.7
Poslal som na sukr. email.
Chapter 1 PseudoSam assemblers vs. other assemblers
All PseudoSam(Pseudo brand Symbolic AsseMbler) assemblers conform to
a common syntax based on the UNIX system V assembler syntax. By
conforming to this Pseudo standard, conflicts with the manufacturers
syntax are created.
* The difference between another assembler's name and the PseudoSam name
of an assembler directive can be circumvented by the .opdef
.opdef eject,.eject ;defines eject to be synonymous with .eject
.opdef fcc,.db ;fcc will now form constant characters as it
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