Projekt Web51: Nice project, but I have some doubts akira.nakandakare
Středa Březen 17 14:34:05 CET 2004


Thank you a lot for the information.

I've presented your interest in cooperation with Atmel to the guys 
here, but it looks that the Atmel's objective is to develop it's very 
own 8051 Ethernet card. Besides that, Atmel have already developed a 
TCP/IP API and we are going to use it.

The project is about developing an 8051 Ethernet card a lot like yours. 
I will use the Atmel T89C51CC01. It has 32Kbytes of flash memory, 8 
channel ADC and a CAN controller.

I am still studing what kind of interfaces and components we can use. 
Currently, I think I will use the RTL8019AS too, perhaps using its 
interrupt. I will use also a port RS232 and the CAN controller. I'm not 
sure yet about how I'll use the other ports.

Up to this time, I don't know what will be the Atmel's privacy politics 
about this product, but if you want I will share with you as much 
information as I can.

Akira - Cleber Nakandakare
Atmel Nantes S.A.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rehak []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 11:11 AM
> To: akira.nakandakare
> Cc: Rehak
> Subject: Re: Projekt Web51: Nice project, but I have some doubts
> Hi
> Web51 is free project based on GPL.
> All examples and codes are free but comunication library is 
> free only in
> compiled version...
> You can buy ours design KIT include all source code by 200$ + delivery
> Now we are using Atmel 89S8252 and Temic (Atmel W$M) RD2 CPUs.
> We are very interested in cooperation with Atmel on this 
> project! English
> version of project will be ready in 15.2.2002. In this date 
> I'll be able to
> accept credit cards atc..
> PS: I'm interested on study exchange in Atmel - what about is 
> this project
> ??
> Any more questions ???

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