procesorod ATMELA na bazi 51 a MP3 + USB + IDE ATA + ...

Zdenek Aster zdenek.aster
Středa Březen 17 14:25:45 CET 2004

Jen tak pro zajimavost, ATMEL se asi zblaznil nebo koupil firmu, ktera dela
docela zajimave veci. Otazka je dostupnost, cena, funkce, atd.

Jen vycuc vlastnosti bez zaruky:

Nahravani kodu programu procesoru pres USB a podobne.

. MPEGI/II-Layer 3 Hardwired Decoder
    - Stand-alone MP3 decoder
    - 48, 44.1, 32, 24, 22.05, 16 KHz sampling freq.
    - Separated digital volume control on left and right channels (software control using
    31 steps)
    - Bass, medium, and Treble Control (31 steps)
    - Bass Boost sound effect.
    - Ancillary data extraction
    - "CRC Error" and "MPEG Frame Synchronization" indicators. Programmable Audio Output for interfacing with common audio DAC available on the
    - PCM format compatible
    - I 2 S format compatible
. 8-bit MCU C51 core based (F MAX = 20 MHz)
. 2304 bytes of Internal RAM
. 64 Kbytes of Code Memory
    - FLASH: T89C51SND1, ROM: T83C51SND1. 4 Kbytes of Boot Flash Memory (T89C51SND1)
    - ISP: download from USB or UART to any external memory cards. USB Rev 1.1 controller
    -"Full speed" data transmission
. Built-in PLL
    - MP3 Audio clocks
    - USB clock. MultiMediaCard.... Interface Compatibility
. Atmel DataFlash.... SPI Interface Compatibility
. IDE/ATAPI Interface
. 2 Channels 10-bit ADC, 8KHz (8 true bit)
    - Battery voltage Monitoring
    - Voice recording controlled by software. Up to 44 bits of General Purpose I/Os for:
    - 4-bit interrupt keyboard port for a 4 x n matrix
    - Smartmedia.... software interface
. Standard Two 16-bit Timers/Counters
. Hardware Watchdog Timer
. Standard Full Duplex UART with Baud Rate Generator
. 2-wire Master and Slave Modes Controller
. SPI Master and Slave Modes Controller
. Power Management
    - Power-On reset
    - Software programmable MCU clock


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