FW: Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a messag e you received.
Středa Březen 17 12:09:45 CET 2004
niekto tu ma cervika!!!
s pozdravom
Michal Holes
> -----Puvodni zprava-----
> Od: NAV for Microsoft Exchange-VURUP1
> Odeslano: 5. september 2001 22:05
> Komu: Holes Michal
> Predmet: Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a
> message you received.
> Sender of the infected attachment: owner-hw-news@list.gin.cz
> Subject of the message:
> One or more attachments were quarantined.
> Attachment PAILIFPA.EXE was Quarantined for the following reasons:
> Virus W95.Hybris.worm was found.
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