[AD]: BitScope - novinky

Snail Instruments snail
Středa Březen 17 12:10:43 CET 2004

Prave jsem obdrzel zpravy primo od pramene. Verim, ze budou zajimat jak soucasne, tak potencionalni budouci uzivatele BitScope - nova verze firmware je na spadnuti, pripravuje se Open Software projekt pod Delphi. Predbeznou dokumentaci noveho cipu jsem si jiz vyzadal, zajemcum rozeslu, pripadne dam na web. Viz tez http://www.vitrum.cz/snail/bitscope.htm

J. Hanzal

>We have sent out the first batch of beta chips, so we esitimate another 
>month or two untill we freeze the firmware. If you or any users are 
>interested in development we could send you a beta chip for testing.
>We also have a preliminary document describing the new firmware which we 
>are sending out to interested developers. The new PIC is backward 
>compatible with BC000112 - existing commands are left in place. The new 
>features include signal processing, delayed analog capture, a wide range 
>of new sample rates and powerful new Logic capture modes.
>There is currently quite a bit happening. Our new web site design will 
>be online soon with  databases and forums. Several new third party 
>software projects are underway, and we intend to start an Open Software 
>project for BitScope based on the Delphi/Kylix tools. Any feedback from 
>the european point of view would be appreciated.

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