Fwd: simlock OTE db
Ales Filip
Středa Březen 17 11:50:28 CET 2004
Poradte mu nekdo (na jeho adresu) :-)
This is a forwarded message
From: Bill Clinton <whoiamguys2000@hotmail.com>
To: afilip@kgb.cz <afilip@kgb.cz>
Subject: simlock OTE db
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Hello Ales,
sorry, but I don't speak Czech, so that I only can hope you understand my
English :-).
First my appreciation to your Alcatel-Site!
I have some questions (perhaps because of my good Czech...)relative to
unlocking a new OTE db:
1. Why do you recommend the Service software 6.4 to unlock the phone and not
the Andromeda software?
2. Must I use special electronic components (for example in case of quality)
when I make such a phone adapter (AlcatelOTEDB.gif)?
3. Does this combination of software and phone adapter works without
problems or must I notice something?
Thanks in advance...
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Ales Filip <afilip@gmx.net>
Kutna Hora <FIDO 2:423/87>
Czech Republic
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